
What a good idea!

“Sponsor – gift”

For a birthday, get together to offer a “sponsor-gift” to the Sourire.

“Garage sale”

Get rid of your old belongings or those of friends for the good cause.


As the Chantani Team, offer or offer yourself sitting massages or foot reflexology massage during festivals.

Play for the Sourire

Donate the earnings of a concert or of an sport event to the children of the Sourire


Sell cakes and pastries and make a little money for the Sourire

“All things, near or far, are secretly connected to each other and you cannot pick a flower without touching a star.” Francis Thompson

Make a legacy in favour of a project in favour of childhood.

Run a Race for Le Sourire
Combine physical with heartfelt generosity by running a race organised by a school or association.

The adventure of the children of the Sourire de Chiang Khong has given rise to many initiatives that cannot all be mentioned. Each action is a source of energy and financial means. On their behalf, THANK YOU.